
Today is the day to reach out and lend a helping hand


Even the smallest of donations can help save a life


Become a part of science breakthrough


Our Mission

Our mission is to promote and provide financial support towards research and education for the neurological impact of Covid19.

First Covid, Then Psychosis: ‘The Most Terrifying Thing I’ve Ever Experienced’

Like a small number of Covid survivors with no previous mental illness, Ivan Agerton developed psychotic symptoms weeks after his coronavirus…Read more


What killed Riley Christiansen? Bay Area teen’s suicide follows bout with COVID and starting college in pandemic lockdown

The day before Riley Christiansen took his life at Lookout Point, the scenic cliffs near Chico State, the 18-year-old searched online for anything to explain his bewildering bouts of memory loss and why he felt so “down.”…Read more

The Mercury News

Small Number of Covid Patients Develop Severe Psychotic Symptoms

Most had no history of mental illness and became psychotic weeks after contracting the virus. Cases are expected to remain rare but are being reported worldwide…Read more



“Captain Bill” Herrlinger died February 2021 of self-inflicted wounds after contracting COVID in November 2020. After a little over a week of getting infected he became another person, very agitated, pacing all the time, unable to sleep for five days, worried and guilty of possibly having infected other people. Later I found out he was seeing lights and thinking that people were out to get him. His first attempt was November 30, 2020. After three weeks in the hospital where he recovered from his horrific injuries, he was discharged and sent home with the diagnosis of COVID Psychosis and very minimal psychiatric follow up. Even though he was recovering physically well, with time he became more and more depressed, and even after he started psychiatric care, and with all family and friends support he ended his life February 3, 2021. He was a husband, father, and friend. He was outgoing, generous, funny, always ready to help anybody in need. He was also super healthy and athletic, but COVID 19 destroyed his brain, his heart and his soul. Science has advanced in understanding the neurological implications of COVID 19, however a lot more needs to be done. But what is most terrifying, there are not too many people who know and/or understand the neurological implications of COVID 19.

Loving wife, Teresa Herrlinger


Our Vision

Our organization was established in 2021 to help raise funds for research on how Covid 19 affects the neurological system. Finding answers in understanding the affects and consequences so we can help prevent and treat irreversable ourcomes.









Fundraising Plans

BH Foundation is set up to provide support and help raise money for the research and education for this cause. Lets raise awareness of mental health symptoms related to the impact of Covid.


The world is facing an unprecedented challenge with the growing Covid pandemic. Everyone can now donate to help support the research needed in finding answers. 100% of Donations received through our nonprofit foundation will go towards the research needed to finding answers on the neurological impact of Covid.

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